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Podiatry is becoming more and more advanced with biomechanics and the assessment and treatment of how people walk and run. Traditionally if a foot appeared flat then arch supports were used to help lift the foot. Modern techniques have significantly moved on from this. We look now at what the foot is doing and also at how the entire lower limb functions.


Biomechanical problems are not just applicable to the sports men and women; long term chronic lower limb pain can be attributable to poor biomechanical function.

Biomechanical Assessment

Using the most up to date techniques and knowledge we assess the biomechanical structure and function of the lower limb from the feet to the lower back, enabling us to  provide a more accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. 


Underlying biomechanical issues commonly lead to the development of many conditions such as:

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Shin splints

  • Hallux Abducto-Valgus (Bunions)

  • Metatarsalgia (Pain under the ball of the foot)

  • Knee, ankle and foot osteoarthritis

  • Ankle instability

  • Lower back pain


As part of the Biomechanical assessment, we utilise the best in bespoke orthotic therapy. We also use the most up to date theories in prefabricated devices to ensure the best quality and value for money in our treatment plans. We have experience in dealing with complex biomechanical cases where there have been extensive Orthopaedic surgeries undertaken or significant lower limb injuries.


Company No. 08279769


The College of Podiatry is the largest independent professional body in the UK representing State Registered Chiropodists and Podiatrists.

© 2021 My Two Feet Ltd.

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